The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) has published results from its Spectator Sports Safety and Security Survey in an industry report. The research report is the first of its kind published by the Center and will be conducted annually.
The purpose of this survey was to gauge sport spectators’ perceptions of safety and security practices, including those related to COVID-19, as the sports industry prepares to return to full capacity stadiums and arenas.
A total of 609 participants completed the survey. The report outlines the results of the study in the following sections:
- Participant Demographics and Attendance Habits
- Perceptions of General Safety and Security Policies, Procedures, and Measures
- Perceptions of COVID-19 Related Safety and Security Policies, Procedures, and Measures.
Industry recommendations are also provided.
Reported Findings
The NCS4 study found that 73.2% of respondents considered safety and security regulations when deciding to attend an event. Seventy-seven percent of respondents indicated that they prefer security measures to be visible at an event. Just under two-thirds of survey participants described themselves as aware of their event's safety and security measures before attendance. The preferred methods of pre-event security information communication were via email, event website or ticket.
Spotlight on COVID-19
In its COVID-19 focused questions, the NCS4 found that approximately 68% of survey participants were fully vaccinated. Two-thirds of not-yet-vaccinated respondents did not plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Additionally, 28.2% of participants have attended a sporting event without vaccination. Participants selected high percentages of approval for temperature checks, digital health passes, and enhanced cleaning and sanitizing services.
Industry Recommendations
NCS4's report included advice for security protocols at sporting events, highlighting the approval ratings for measures such as law enforcement presence, venue personnel presence and screening detection technologies, among others.
The full industry report can be found here.