Cargo thefts across the United States were down 19 percent in 2018 compared to 2017, along with a 2 percent decrease in theft values, according to a report from SensiGuard.

There were 592 cargo thefts in the U.S. last year worth an average of $142,342. The fourth quarter was the most active for thieves with 171 thefts, compared to 159 thefts in the third quarter, 145 in the second quarter and 117 in the first quarter.

SensiGuard warns that despite the drop in volume last year, the rate at which it is dropping is slowing, and organized cargo thieves in the U.S. still present a threat to highly-targeted shipments, says a news report.

Electronics were the most-stolen product type in 2018, the report said, followed by home and garden products and food and drinks products. Electronics thefts rose 33 percent from 2017, overtaking food and drinks and home and garden products for the top spot. Home and garden products, which were the most-stolen in 2017, ranked second in 2018 with 16 percent of total thefts.

Full truckload thefts accounted for the most thefts by event type at 74 percent of all cargo thefts, the report said. Pilferage accounted for 18 percent of cargo thefts, followed by 4 percent for facility thefts and 3 percent for fictitious pickups.

California had the most reported thefts in 2018, accounting for 26 percent of total thefts for the year, despite having a 9 percent drop in thefts compared to 2017. Texas was second, with 15 percent of total thefts, followed by Florida with 11 percent, Illinois with 10 percent of the total and followed by Georgia with 8 percent of thefts, a 10 percent decrease from the previous year.