Wackenhut Receives SAFETY Act Certification
The Wackenhut Corp., Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., has received liability protection from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. After an extensive review of its physical security services, the company was granted coverage under a new federal law known as the Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technology (SAFETY) Act. This represents the first and only such designation and certification so far for a contract security service provider. The lawsuit protections that SAFETY Act coverage affords will result in significantly lower liability exposure for the company and its customers should a future act of terrorism occur.
L-3 Receives $33 Million Order From TSA
L-3 Communications Security & Detection Systems Inc., Woburn, Mass., received an order from the U.S. Transportation Security Administration for the company’s eXaminer 3DX explosives detection systems. This latest order, valued at more than $33 million, makes the eXaminer one of only two in-line systems certified by the TSA to screen-check baggage. There are currently more than 500 L-3 explosion detection systems deployed throughout the world.
More than a Change of Scenery
SimplexGrinnell, Westminster, Mass., a business unit of Tyco Fire & Security, has bolstered the infrastructure of its Central Station Monitoring Center with a move to a new facility, the implementation of an advanced telecommunications system, and the relocation of its backup facility. The monitoring center, formerly located in Westminster, moved from its current location in to an improved mission-specific monitoring facility on the same Tyco property. The backup facility relocated from Florida to a state-of-the-art facility in Missouri.