Healthcare communication methods were analyzed in a recent report by Spok Holdings, including budget constraints and security concerns. 

Although smartphones continue to be the top supported device for clinical communications, there was a continued decrease in their usage (61% in 2023 compared to 74% in 2022, and 79% in 2021). This could be attributed to both security concerns and cost implications. 

Similar to 2022, the report found that encrypted pager usage continues to rise steadily, which could indicate a return to simpler, more cost-effective communication.

The concern about the security of patient information and proprietary health system data communicated through potentially unsecure tools continues to evolve. Respondents indicating they’re “Not concerned” has been on the rise since 2021, suggesting perhaps a growing trust in communication tools.

When asked about the current status of IT projects, 47% say it’s “business as usual” for IT, down from 52% in 2022. This slight decline suggests that while most projects continued to run smoothly, a few might have encountered challenges or shifted priorities.

Read the full report here.