The second day at ISC West 2012 was just as busy, if not more crowded, than the first. Initial projections of Wednesday's crowd numbered in the 6,000s. I would expect today's count to be even higher.
End users were given passes to be allowed onto the show floor an hour earlier than everyone else, so I hope that you got a special glance at your favorite exhibits before everything was flooded with vendors, general attendees and the intoxicating scents of over-buttered popcorn. But in case you missed it, here's the rundown:
A lot of vendors are starting to design security programs that function on many more levels than just security. We saw a lot of analytic programs for various uses throughout many different vertical sectors. For a more detailed view on this, check out my other blog from Thursday's show, featuring insight from Orange County's CSO, Peter Miller. But along with analytic applications, many vendors and integrators we spoke to mentioned general business continuity applications, such as actions automatically taken by the machine (such as an automatic fan turning on at the detection of an overheating system) as well as notification of the department in charge of that item.
Tyco also introduced a mobile security application called Kantech Helm that allows users to interact with EntraPass software using a smartphone or other tablet device, with the ability to perform more than 20 security tasks. Mobile apps, especially for video surveillance and guarding assistance, were a prominent addition to today's displays.
There was also a focus on the retail sector, as many companies reported that this was one of the main vertical markets currently investing in new or upgraded security systems. Other vertical markets frequently mentioned include finance and public transit.
Middle Atlantic also had a lot of solutions to share this year at ISC West. I was privy to a very enlightening education on the necessity of cooling systems and containers for various electronic equipment (thinking shamefully about my tangle of computer wires and chargers back home). They had some very practical innovations that remind us of that good old "KISS" rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid!). They had myriad storage solutions, such as their multimount plates and vertical panel mounts, that use typically wasted space between installations and the wall to mount small appliances and cords that would otherwise be in danger of being pulled, trampled or housed in additional containers nearby.
So all in all for Thursday, we have a lot of great new leads, a pile of press releases (on flash drive no less!) and a lineup of phenomenal e-newsletter articles headed to your inbox soon, so if you aren't already subscribed, don't miss it!