High unemployment. More people needing government vouchers for food. Fewer owning their homes while others are losing theirs.

Yet there is less crime. The talking heads – again – are wrong.

Experts are scratching their heads over why crime has ebbed so far during this recession, making it different from other economic downturns of the past half-century. Early guesses include jobless folks at home keeping closer watch for thieves, or the American population just getting older, and older people commit fewer crimes.

Check out the article at http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgId=563&topicId=16439&isPreview=true&docId=l:1096765265&start=4

And what’s your reasons there is less crime in this recession? Email zaludreport@bnpmedia.com or Twitter http://twitter.com/securitymag