GuardTrax’s new “GT2” enables security firms and corporate security managers to track, monitor and manage security personnel in real-time indoors and out.
The GT2 Security Force Locator combines GPS and RFID functionality, enabling security personnel to scan specific interior and exterior checkpoint tags as well as facilitate real time location and position monitoring.
“GT2 overcomes the existing limitations of guard tour wands predominantly used in the security industry that don’t provide real time tracking, reporting or management capabilities over the Internet,” explains Mike Petty, vice president of GuardTrax sales, a product of Intergis, LLC. GT2, with its robust and diverse capabilities gives security firms compelling cost and operational justifications to advance into real time monitoring of security personnel with GuardTrax.”
“The new GuardTrax device will greatly enhance Metro Protective Agency’s ability to manage its security personnel, since administrators can monitor officers in real-time to identify and correct problems as they occur,” states Aaron Thieriault, operations manager. “It also enables us to reduce management and supervision costs, since fewer personnel are now required.”
CEO and President of Sun City Security Service, Inc., Dave Scepanski, concurs, adding that, “We have already benefitted from this state-of-the-art guard management solution and our clients will greatly benefit from its real-time RFID tracking capabilities.” According to Scepanski,” Prior to using GuardTrax, data from each guard’s tour wand was manually downloaded into the software program only after the shift was completed, and often times not until the next day. Our guard tour wands frequently crashed and were unreliable since they depended on guards to correctly touch checkpoints to record information.”
Measuring approximately 2.5”x6”, GT2 is slightly larger than the average cell phone and fits comfortably in a horizontal belt holster. Its rugged design, water-resistant case and lithium-poly battery make it a highly functional and durable device, lasting up to 24 hours without re-charge. The durable, ergonomic GT2 provides a number of extremely valuable features enabling security personnel to carry a single device for guard tour and phone communication.
The GT2 has a panic button for instant distress calls and alert notifications to management. Also, security personnel can use GT2 to post activity status updates through a unique set of user input codes allowing supervisors and managers to monitor officer activity on the fly through their mobile phones. This new generation GuardTrax device is equipped with a motion sensor that will report if the device has remained in a motionless state for a pre-determined time period. The supervisor is immediately alerted if the guard hasn’t moved and can make a phone call to the officer through the GT2. Each GT2 can call four operation critical telephone numbers (e.g. police, fire, supervisor or client contact).
The new device also has a non-keyed incident alert called the “geo-fence violation.” If the device is taken in or out of a pre-defined area, it then sends a message to the GuardTrax server reporting that the device has entered or exited a defined area. All incidents and events reported through the GT2, after reaching the GuardTrax server can be relayed through SMS or emailed to any number of desired recipients.
“Regardless of a guards’ location indoors or out, the GT2 provides the visibility you need to successfully manage your personnel and make informed decisions,” said Jeffrey Cohen, CEO of Intergis. “Sleeping guards, abandoned posts and unproductive shifts are effectively eliminated by using the GuardTrax Security Force Locator.”