According to Rob Michie of VideoComm Technologies, wireless technology has evolved significantly over the past decade by offering new and innovative solutions to the growing demand for security communications. Today, wireless devices eliminate the often high-costs associated with running cable over long distances or difficult to reach locations with better performance.


This new and constantly improving technology enables today’s security professional the ability to offer economical solutions to customer’s applications normally not possible, convenient or economical. Installing hard-wired cable remains the most economical solution for most scenarios; however, based on application requirements, there are instances when running cable is not a practical option.


There are three primary reasons why a wireless device is a perfect alternative to hard-wiring security devices including:


Physical limitations -- It is most likely impossible to pull hard-wired video cable over a large body of water, city-street or freeway. A wireless device would easily accomplish this task.


Cost -- For some hard-wired installations the cost of equipment rentals, city permits, labor and other associated materials may be more expensive than a wireless alternative.


Aesthetics -- Cable is not aesthetically pleasing in a finished or historical building. A wireless device would in this instance eliminate unsightly visual distractions.


Said Michie, wireless video devices offer new opportunities to protect lives, property and assets in ways that have been impractical before now. Relieving the high costs of running cable and removing installation limitations has never been so easy.


VideoComm Technologies is in wireless video transmission technologies, products and technical support from systems serving a single camera over a few feet, all the way up to multi-camera systems covering large university campuses. More at Videocomm Technologies,

1711 Cudaback Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY USA