After a seven-year tenure as Chief Security Scientist at Bank of America, Sounil Yu joined YL Ventures as Chief Information Security Officer-in-Residence. What is his main focus in his new role and what are his initial priorities over the next six months?
I’m a New Yorker. I have a passion about business and people. When COVID-19 struck the world, I picked up the phone and touched base with CEOs and executives in physical security.
As COVID-19 continued to spread, some US states were swift to mobilize the United States National Guard. Will it becomethe savior America needs, even if it is not the one she wants?
As coronavirus cases continue to emerge in cities across the country, it’s the responsibility of local officials to continuously address the evolving situation with the public. When communicating with the public about pressing emergencies, such as the coronavirus, here’s what public safety officials need to accomplish with their messaging.
Facial recognition systems are an excellent way to improve security and enable touchless access control in buildings and facilities in this new world of social distancing. As experts increasingly recommend face masks to limit the spread of COVID-19, it’s natural to question how this might effect the performance of facial recognition algorithms.
How is the enterprise security industry working to keep facilities and employees safe? What new challenges do you face each day, particularly as employees work from home offices? In new research, Security Magazine and Clear Seas Research, a BNP Media company, examines the impact of the pandemic on the industry.
When kidnapping victims Canadian Edith Blais and Italian Luca Tacchetto held a press conference on 14 March in Mali, following nearly four months in captivity, they appeared amused and confused when Bamako officials publicly greeted them with an elbow bump due to new coronavirus etiquette.
Which security conferences have been canceled, postponed or going virtual in 2020 due to the coronavirus? Here is a list of security conferences for cybersecurity and physical security professionals, that are still proceeding as planned, going virtual or that have been postponed or canceled.
Here is a list of free resources, guides, frameworks, services and products to help enterprise security to navigate the coronavirus pandemic. If your organization is offering resources and products at no cost, please email to be included.
Because of the COVID-19 virus pandemic, millions of Americans have been asked to stay in their houses until further notice. Our new national focus on hygiene and hibernation means that we’re mostly home, save for only necessary trips to the grocery store, the pharmacy, or for medical appointments. While it’s hard to define being quarantined as a good thing, from a security perspective, it means the chances of experiencing a home burglary are now quite low.