West Yorkshire Police in England have released video surveillance footage of a drone that caught an individual attempting to run away until getting arrested by the police.
Oregon's Glendale School District will pursue a $1.8 million bond levy in May 2020 to improve safety, security and energy efficiency at each school building.
Main Street Clinical Associates, PA ("Main Street") in Durham, North Carolina has provided notice of a data breach that potentially impacts regulators and individuals.
FBI and federal agencies held a discussion for leaders of Texas pipeline and oil and gas enterprises on physical and cyber threats to the U.S. energy infrastructure.
A new research project aims to tackle problems and improve natural disaster emergency preparedness and response in countries badly affected by earthquakes, flooding, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.
What are the critical issues and trends in your sector this year, and how does your enterprise compare to your peers? These 17 Security 500 Sector Reports provide benchmarking data about budget changes, security leadership responsibilities, reporting structure and more.