2,500-lb. Barrier from Nasatka Security and Moog Industrial Group
September 1, 2014
In normal operating conditions, the barrier can be raised in four seconds. The barriers also have the extra capacity to lift vehicles, and they are equipped with a backup system that automatically switches to battery power during any outage.
In light of all the headline-grabbing network security breaches in the last year it's understandable that enterprises might be on high alert to prevent their own organization from being thrust into the spotlight.
September 1, 2014
Network and security components must be able to communicate so that if an attacker penetrates one system, others can respond immediately to take preventative measures. IF-MAP is a robust protocol that enables information sharing between disparate systems.
8000i Series Advanced Cyber Security Platform from Bivio
September 1, 2014
The series supports all standard Linux applications, open-source security and deep packet inspection (DPI) applications that allow for scalability in today’s dynamic threat environment.
This system’s workflow automation and tracking features enable adaptive response, while including all stakeholders and facilitating information-sharing with other organizations through participating with Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs).
The camera also features a suite of imbedded intelligence that can be used to understand customer trends through analytical features including people-counting and loitering detection.