Enterprises currently using proximity card readers, as well as those using smart card readers, can now add biometric authorization to their verification process without having to implement biometric readers.
Insight from architects, building managers and tenants, as well as studies on pedestrian behavior, influenced the design of this turnstile system, new this month.
To better protect proprietary or sensitive data, enterprises can utilize this fingerprint-area scanner, which plugs into a USB port and can be used to authenticate users at the device.
Industry advancements that enable smartphones to carry credentials offer the opportunity for students, faculty and staff at university campuses to use a ubiquitous device to open doors and perform other tasks that require presentation of a secure credential.
Cyber attacks today are increasingly sophisticated and aggressive, leaving organizations fighting to stay at least one step ahead of hackers to protect their critical data assets.
Threated by the increasing ingenuity of hackers in addition to the already problematic challenges of employee theft or industrial espionage, organizations today are taking serious steps to improve protection of their networks and data centers.