Modern day sports venue security is uncompromising and ever-evolving. Sports venues require a robust security posture to protect fans, players, staff and venue. Explosive threats, specifically Vehicle Borne IED (VBIED) and Person Borne IED (PBIED), have become prevalent, requiring an effective security solution.
Researchers at Cornell University are developing a system to enable teams of robots to share information as they move around and, if necessary, get help in interpreting what they see.
After an incident is not the time to review your bomb threat preparedness plan. Work with local law enforcement and first responders, as well as internal stakeholders and partners, to develop a more comprehensive, confidential bomb threat response plan.
It’s difficult to pin down the number of organizations that utilize scenario-based training for security officers, but experts agree that this type of training appears to be increasing in use.
The Trump administration imposed restrictions on carry-on electronic devices on planes coming to the US from 10 airports in Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
A U.S. Government Accountability Office report praised federal agencies for collaborating with each other on grid resilience and not duplicating efforts.
Only about half of the violent crimes and a third of the property crimes that occur in the United States each year are reported to police. And most of the crimes that are reported don’t result in the arrest, charging and prosecution of a suspect, according to government statistics.