Tony Bryson, Chief Information Security Officer for the Town of Gilbert, Ariz.,
scaled the town's cybersecurity defenses by adopting a preventative solution through a third-party security company to help to mitigate the risks associated with supply chain attacks.
Great CFOs don’t act as a blocker or barrier, but are ready to invest in comprehensive and robust cybersecurity systems. Here’s how to make sure your CFO is one of them.
Many security operations centers employ artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to detect advanced threats, however, reaching too high too quickly with technological solutions can leave security teams with unclear or inefficient workflows.
As the gravity of COVID-19 was recognized and expanded in the United States, Niyazi Ekici and Dean C. Alexander, professors at Western Illinois University’s School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration, commenced a research project to gauge the impact of the pandemic on law enforcement agencies. Here's what they found.
Every successful terrorist attack is a failure of terrorism risk management. To maximize chances of success, security leaders need assessment methods driven by systematic data-driven analysis.
Artificial intelligence offers enhanced public safety solutions, improves research speeds and can be a key asset for businesses, governments and individuals during these unprecedented times.
Security industry leaders must be relentless in their quest for innovation. In order to self-disrupt their organizations, they should seek ideation, brainstorming and problem-solving, as the catalyzers for radical change.
Applying the Sun Tzu approach to cybersecurity gives organizations the awareness of what to look for, what vulnerabilities create the most risk and how to implement the appropriate incident response procedures.
Security risks to medical supplies, along with asset-tracking and other physical security systems can be safeguarded with a three-tiered security-by-design strategy.