The role of cloud-based services is being increasingly accepted and adopted by users in all parts of life. Cloud-based software is provided as a service over the Internet, typically on a subscription basis.
As Cloud Computing becomes the new platform for many aspects of our lives, from Google Mail to iTunes to banking and more, the discussion specific to security tends to focus on the What. It may be helpful to look at the Why.
The surveillance industry has seen a massive amount of innovation in the past decade. New technologies, revised efficiency requirements and an information-centric workforce all continue to demand new approaches. However, in most cases, these innovations – ranging from IP networks and remote access to intelligent search technology – lag several years behind similar advancements in the IT sector.
With market analysis firm International Data Corporation (IDC) predicting $72.9 billion in cloud-related revenues by 2015, the cloud as the preferred storage and application environment is the future. Additionally, the IDC study indicates that by 2015, spending on public cloud services will account for nearly half of the net new growth in overall IT spending. This spending includes money spent on application development and deployment, infrastructure, storage, and servers.
Will the next budget go around cloud your executive career aspirations? Think ahead to this fall, when you are at the round table patiently waiting your turn to present your strategy, plan and budget, including your CapEx request. Surely, you have worked hard on the budget this year. Zero-based it? Completed risk assessments? Tied the security processes to measurable business benefits?
Cloud services are the next generation of information technology that enterprises must master. In order to mitigate the risk associated with the cloud, businesses, providers and users must invest the time and resources to properly understand how to secure their assets.
As the number of solutions available in the cloud grows and an increasing number of organizations turn to SaaS-based solutions to improve operations while reducing their costs, an increasing amount of sensitive information is being communicated via the Internet. IT professionals are rightly concerned with uptime, privacy risks and overall security.
IT security staff at small and midsize businesses (SMBs) spend 127 hours every month managing their on-premises security infrastructure, according to a new survey by Webroot.
Symantec Corp. announced its security and storage predictions for 2011 based on what its security and storage experts are observing in the information protection landscape
It is rare and wonderful when a new infrastructure platform unites with applications to create a truly dynamic technology solution that provides significant leverage to both the cost/benefit equation of