“Reinventing Cybersecurity,” a collection of original stories by female and non-binary security professionals, highlights how positive change is fostered by reinventing approaches to security.
The publication was released by JupiterOne, and includes stories and voices from a wide range of individuals with diverse experiences from the following authors:
- Alison Gianotto - Creator of Snipe-IT
- Amy Devers - Chief of Staff, Executive Director, People Operations at JupiterOne
- Angela Marafino - Customer Product Manager at Microsoft
- Aubrey Stearn - CTO
- Breanne Boland - Product Security Engineer at Gusto
- Carla Sun - Security Engineer at Gusto
- Carlota Sage - vCISO at Fractional CISO
- Coleen Shane - Senior Network Security Engineer
- Jasmine Henry - Field Security Director at JupiterOne
- Joyous Huggins - Founder of Defender Academy
- Latha Maripuri - CISO at Uber
- Lisa Hall - CISO at Color
- Lonye Ford - CEO at ARLO Solutions
- Dr. Meg Layton - Security Architecture and Engineering at Children's National Hospital
- Rachel Harpley - Talent Advisor - InfoSec, IT Security and Cybersecurity
- Rin Oliver - Software Engineer at US Bank
- Tracy Bannon - Senior Principal/ Software Architect & DevOps Advisor at MITRE
- Yvie Djieya - Cybersecurity Assurance and Risk Analyst at JupiterOne
“Reinventing Cybersecurity” explores the central theme: reinventing approaches to cybersecurity. It captures a diverse set of perspectives on how to reinvent yourself through professional development regardless of age or circumstance, refocus your mindset using current security strategies, and reimagine the future of cybersecurity by upskilling with advice from security leadership.
The book is organized into three sections: Reinventing Our Future, Reinventing Who We Are; and Reinventing What We Do. Some of the chapter topics include Five Strategic Priorities for the Modern CISO; Changing Security from Dreaded Mechanic to a Revenue Stream; Pushing Past Old Habits and Retraining Muscle Memory; and Changing the Culture of ‘No.’
The expert perspectives appeal to security professionals from diverse backgrounds and at all career levels, from those breaking into the field to those already leading large security teams.
“Reinventing Cybersecurity” will be available on Amazon and for free download on JupiterOne.