In August, Community Health Systems announced that an external group of hackers attacked its computer network that an external group of hackers attacked its computer network and stole non-medical data of 4.5 million patients – the second-largest HIPAA breach ever reported.

According to a Ponemon Institute report, 73 percent of organizations surveyed had a data breach response plan, up from 61 percent in 2013 Crain’s New York Business/Modern Healthcare. Forty-three percent of this year’s respondents say their organizations had experienced a data breach in the past two years, marking an increased from 33 percent in 2013.  

Only 30 percent of respondents say their organization was “very effective” or “effective” in developing and executing data breach response plans.

Respondents noted that their plans could be more effective if they assigned individuals with significant security expertise to the team; conducted more data breach response drills; had a budget dedicated to data breach preparedness; and increased participation and oversight from senior executives.