Forty-two percent of American workers say that in terms of security, anyone can walk into their workplace unchallenged, but 94 percent of workers say they feel safe and secure at work, according to the Attitudes in the American Workplace XV survey of 751 American workers for The Marlin Company.

In the East and South, roughly one-third of workers say anyone can walk into their workplaces. In the Central/Great Lakes region, the percentage jumps to 54, or 44 in the West. And while two million American workers are victimized each year by workplace violence (threats, verbal abuse, simple assaults, aggravated assaults, homicides), 19 percent of workers say their company did not have adequate security procedures.

In terms of anger, 11 percent of workers say that they have been angered by a co-worker to the point where they felt like striking him or her but didn’t. This figure is down from previous polls done for Marlin by the Gallup Organization (21 percent in 1995, 16 in 1999, 15 in 2001 and 14 in 2000).