When it comes to preventing the loss and theft of mobile assets within the enterprise, there is no one-stop-shop security solution. However, the need has never been greater as mobile devices become more prevalent and hold more sensitive data. Laptops are just one example - a recent Ponemon Institute study of 329 organizations found that the companies had lost more than 86,000 laptops over the course of a year, resulting in a $6.4 million loss to each organization.
A multi-layered approach to computer security assesses all of the potential risks for both data and device loss and chooses products and procedures that will cover those risks and save your organization money – each layer adding additional protection. Tips for implementing this approach include the following steps:
Identify Internal Policies and Procedures
What existing policies and procedures does your organization have in place? Are all relevant departments included in the creation and revision of these documents? Set an ongoing, annual review of all policies and procedures to ensure they are up to date and that an immediate action plan is available for when a device is unaccounted for.
Training For All
Organizations often ignore the importance of training when it comes to an asset security plan. IT staff should not be the only team members who have been briefed on the policies and procedures in place for stolen IT assets. Instead, ongoing training should be held enterprise-wide so that all employees know how to report a possible loss or theft. Ask senior-level management to participate in these training sessions, further setting an example for your organization.
Source Relevant Software Solutions
Security software can serve as an additional line of defense when it comes to asset tracking, securing not only your physical hardware but the data on each device as well. Further, these solutions often increase the efficiency of your IT department, using geolocation tracking to alert you immediately of a missing or stolen device.
Schedule Ongoing Internal Audits
Frequently scheduled audits help to find and protect against security holes. Often, these audits can reveal missing links, helping your security team to find solutions that ensure your organization is in compliance with security and data breach laws now – rather than after an external audit.
All organizations are challenged by new vulnerabilities and the introduction of more expensive and increasingly mobile devices into the workplace. Further, many organizations also struggle with employee-owned devices on and off a company’s network. The key to securing all of your assets and protecting against loss lies within the multi-layered approach. A well-planned and executed security strategy will not only save your organization time and resources, but ensure that your bottom line is also protected.