When Mike Hulet, systems program supervisor at Salt Lake City International Airport saw the Detex Advantex Electric Latch Retraction (ER) device he thought it might be a great addition to his access control system, but he wanted more.
The airport needed to add delayed egress to many doors and integrate these exit devices with their existing access control system. A conference call with Detex engineers resulted in a unique design that incorporates two electronic functions, delayed egress (EE) and latch retraction (ER) in one device. The original Advantex EExER was delivered to Mike, installed on a rear restaurant door within the airport and integrated with the airport’s access control system. The delayed egress prevents anyone without security clearance from exiting through the restaurant’s back door into the secured area of the airport. The latch retraction operates with the access control system, bypassing the delayed egress, and allows authorized exit and entry without sounding the 100-decibel alarm. Attempts by unauthorized personnel to breach security trigger an alarm, with the door remaining locked for 15 seconds. As with all delayed egress, the fire alarm provides a central override, should a fire situation arise.
When asked how the Detex delayed egress with latch retraction system was working for the staff at The Salt Lake City International Airport, Mike Hulet stated, “An airport environment is hard on security equipment. Because the push-pad retracts out of the way, carts don’t catch on the bar, which was ripping the old bars off the door. For three-and-a-half years the EExER device has worked better than expected.”
The Advantex by Detex EE x ER continues to provide the perfect balance of life safety, access control and security, allowing only authorized personnel to enter and exit, while keeping the area beyond the door secure.