A recent announcement by the SEC reveals SolarWinds Corporation and its CISO are facing charges for fraud and internal control failures relating to allegedly known cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities related to a 2020 cyberattack.
As business travel slowly recovers, enterprise security teams must assess the evolving threat landscape to determine where their organization may be impacted.
The focus of cybersecurity protection shouldn’t always be about trying to anticipate the latest means or technology that could impact a business, but instead, focusing on the same tactics and how these can specifically adapt.
Attacks on water systems can come in various forms, not only from pure physical threats. Having a strong and diligent workforce that emphasizes security and basic methods of cyber protection is imperative.
Satellites are already being used across critical organizations, including militaries, governments and healthcare, increasing the stakes of a cyberattack. But no matter the size or purpose of an organization, security must be top of the agenda for this space race.
The 2018 State of Cybersecurity in Small and Medium Size Businesses study, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by Keeper Security, revealed that small businesses increasingly face the same cybersecurity risks as larger companies, but only 28 percent rate their ability to mitigate threats, vulnerabilities and attacks as “highly effective.”