Sam Rabadi is currently the director of business development for Vigilant Solutions. Rabadi is a 25 year veteran of the ATF and currently serves as the Special Agent in Charge of the Philadelphia Field Division. He currently serves as the chief executive of the Philadelphia Division and manages fifteen (15) field offices located throughout the state of Pennsylvania. These offices are comprised of over 200 special agents, industry investigators, deputized police officers, intelligence analysts, and other support staff. As the Special Agent in Charge, Mr. Rabadi has overall responsibility for all criminal and regulatory investigations, intelligence collection programs, and the security and safety of ATF personnel throughout the state of Pennsylvania. Prior to his appointment to the Senior Executive Service, Rabadi served as the Division Chief of the Firearms Operations Division within ATF’s National Headquarters. As Division Chief, he managed all national firearms enforcement programs and training initiatives to include ATF’s National Integrated Ballistics Imaging Network (NIBIN). In that role, he authored the 2012 NIBIN Strategic Plan that outlined the goals and strategies for the continuing expansion of ATF's ballistics technology program. Prior to his headquarters assignment, he served in a variety of supervisory positions within ATF’s Field Operations directorate to include Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Philadelphia Field Division and Resident Agent in Charge (RAC) of the ATF/New Jersey State Police Firearms Task Force in Trenton, NJ. In 2012, he crafted the Philadelphia Division’s Surge Initiative, a crime reduction plan that partnered with the Philadelphia Police Department to impact spiking violent crime rates in certain parts of the city. He subsequently served as the Incident Commander of that initiative. Rabadi has also previously supervised ATF’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) Task Force in Philadelphia. During that time period he supervised several long-term investigations that led to the dismantling of some of Philadelphia’s most violent drug gangs. Prior to his employment with ATF, Rabadi served as a Special Agent with the US Secret Service in New York City and a police officer with the Yonkers Police Department.
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