The COVID-19 driven shift to remote working coupled with accelerated digital transformation poses significant challenges to enterprise cybersecurity operations, widening the threat landscape and exposing enterprise networks, devices and data to increasing cybersecurity risk. Unmanaged devices, shadow IT and rapidly deployed remote access networks have all introduced emerging vulnerabilities that are being exploited by cybercriminals, making securing the enterprise even more difficult for CSOs and their teams.
COVID-19 has initiated a whole new host of cybersecurity threats. Twitter was one of the latest victims, its employees allegedly being targeted so that hackers should take over the accounts of certain verified users. And just before that, a June 25 story in The New York Times detailed the way in which a foreign entity is attempting to infiltrate American business by taking advantage of remote employees whose organizations – more than 400 million worldwide – use virtual private networks (VPNs).
Six out of ten businesses target geographic diversification of supply chains to build resilience.
August 11, 2020
According to the Supply Chain Resilience Report 2020 from 3D Hubs, cybersecurity issues have affected less than 10% of firms over the past 10 years, compared to 60% that have suffered directly as a result of COVID-19 disruption.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed an act which authorizes up to $1.8 billion in capital funding for key investments in public safety, food security, and information technology.
By looking at hospitals – and the resulting mad scramble and actions they took to protect their patients – there are four lessons that can be distilled to help those in the thick of a spike or for those planning for the next surge.
Hospitals in Glasgow, Scotland have reported a rise in verbal and physical attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing them to draft in extra security to tackle the attacks.
A new document, Planning for on-campus K-12 education during COVID-19, developed by the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition, provides guidance to be used as a resource by school leaders to develop and implement plans for returning to on-campus learning.
A survey among 78 financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean holding 54 percent of the total assets managed by the banking sector in the region, revealed that 38 percent of banks incorporate guidelines on climate change in their strategy and 24 percent have a policy on climate risk evaluation and disclosure.
Today's challenging reality presents an opportunity for CISO’s to reevaluate the economics and efficiencies of their current infosec program. To do so, CISO’s must narrow their focus on maximizing their return on investments and shift to a risk-based prioritization strategy. No matter the situation, CISO’s are always expected to meet goals and drive results. Even though security professionals cannot reduce risk to zero, they can reduce risk significantly by first eliminating the most impactful risks facing their organization. Below, I discuss the four critical steps of leading an economical and efficient information security program while following a risk-based approach.