A new report by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of Michigan discusses the cybersecurity vulnerabilities associated with OmniBallot, a web-based system for blank ballot delivery, ballot marking and (optionally) online voting.
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to be a driving force behind smart buildings, with the ability to optimize all areas of building operations – from HVAC to surveillance, offering massive potential for facility owners and system integrators to create added value for customers. While goals such as reducing energy consumption and space utilization are still priorities, building owners and operators are searching for solutions to help make workspaces and common areas safe and useable, abiding by new health and safety guidelines. Security professionals are also searching for ways to leverage and augment their technology infrastructure to contribute to the overall safety of their facility, beyond the traditional capabilities of access control and surveillance.
A new Kansas emergency bill passed earlier this week includes the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Act, which aims to protect the privacy of persons whose information is collected through contact tracing and the confidentiality of contact data.
According to the latest industry data released today from Veeam® Software, almost half of global organizations are being hindered in their digital transformation journeys due to unreliable, legacy technologies with 44% citing lack of IT skills or expertise as another barrier to success.
According to multiple sources, a bipartisan group of Senators plan to introduce a bill to regulate the use of contact-tracing and exposure notification apps. The bill, entitled the “Exposure Notification Privacy Act” is the latest in a series of bills that seek to regulate these new apps. The new bipartisan bill raises hopes that federal privacy legislation (albeit on a limited issue) may finally pass.
There’s a good chance that at some point you’ve been watched, scanned, or analyzed by facial recognition technology — potentially without even realizing it, says a new study by Surfshark.
To apply true holistic security best practices and reduce significant risks to the mainframe, security teams must embrace an integrated mainframe security strategy.
Researchers at NIST have developed a mathematical formula that, computer simulations suggest, could help 5G and other wireless networks select and share communications frequencies about 5,000 times more efficiently than trial-and-error methods.