Victims of domestic violence in New York City may soon benefit from paid “safe leave” if they need time off from work to seek services related to the abuse.
According to the Educator’s School Safety Network (ESSN), a national non-profit school safety organization, the vast majority of media reports related to school safety this school year have been about bomb threats.
From 2014 to 2015, there was no statistically significant change in the overall rate of violent crime, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
A new Global Ipsos study finds unemployment is the biggest worry of the world, although it is fourth (following terrorism, crime/violence, and healthcare) in the US.
Stratus Technologies, Inc., a provider of continuous availability solutions, revealed the results of its fourth annual Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Survey.
The University of Maryland will be charging its own students to fund its federally mandated Title IX office that investigates reports of sexual assault on campus.
The FAA projects a 30x growth of commercial drone use to 600,000 over the next year, which could pose a significant threat to physical security and critical infrastructure.
All Hollywood blockbusters capture images in an action-oriented environment and use those images to tell a story. In the Theater of Surveillance, deployment of new technologies in lights, cameras and action-analytics produce blockbuster results, improving safety and security for people and property.