LAUSD police officers are employing a 21st century policing strategy, with a focus on community oriented enforcement, to improving police-community relations, keep kids in school and to improve the safety of the schools within the district and the surrounding neighborhoods. Learn more about this program and how you could apply it in your own district in a free webinar 3/28.
Earlier this month, AlliedBarton Security Services and Universal Protection Services completed its merger, creating Allied Universal – an enterprise with more than 140,000 employees and estimated annual revenues of approximately $4.5 billion.
An appeals court has reinstated the convictions of two former employees of New Brunswick Parking Authority for failing to report or prevent other employees from stealing thousands of dollars in parking fees.
Over the years the non-sworn, corporate public safety industry has failed to achieve any long-lasting measures of professionalism. There are many possible reasons for this failure, but chief among them is the failure to adopt reliable public safety officer core competency standards.
Nearly a third of moviegoers believe that bags and purses should be checked for weapons before people go into a theater, and 34% believe that lobbies should have armed security personnel and a metal detector.
What do you think of when you think about a security officer? Is your perception tainted by Hollywood which generally paints security officers as comedic caricatures with delusions of grandeur? Do you think of security officers as “wannabe cops” who have no career path? If your answer is affirmative, I ask you to push aside these dated and inaccurate perceptions about security officers and learn what is truly involved in this critically important profession today.