Customer, student, employee and patient information is most at risk for cyber attacks today, and defending that data is a top concern for IT professionals this year, according to the Data Loss Straw Poll.
The UK and the US have better defenses against cyberattacks than China, partly because they have better internal data-sharing practices, according to a McAfee report.
Sony’s PlayStation Network is reported to have 70 million registered users worldwide. On May 2, 2011, Sony issued a statement that 12,700 credit cards and 24.6 million user accounts were compromised. The stolen data included names, addresses, dates of birth, passwords, security questions and answers and credit card information. This compromise is said to be one of the largest and most high-profile online data thefts to date.
Michaels Stores said that its debit card terminals were compromised in 20 states, yet fewer than 100 customer debit cards were reported as used in fraudulent transactions.