Ransomware attacks have surged 311% in the past year with a business now being attacked every 11 seconds. Attacks are hitting organizations of all sectors and sizes hard, from crippling the Irish healthcare system to shutting down 45% of the eastern United States’ fuel supply to stopping manufacturing and production lines globally. 

Ransom demands are often in the millions and the average cost of recovery is around 10 times the size of the ransom demanded.

Join business leaders and experts for the 2022 Ransomware Resilience Summit USA to benchmark resilience and business continuity planning, share lessons learned and enable organizations to better protect themselves. This virtual webinar event will take place March 29, 2022.

Cybersecurity experts from Tik Tok, Wiley, Prudential, Netflix and Barclay’s will discuss how to identify cybersecurity threats and ensure strong mitigation plans; determine internal roles and responsibilities; practice cybersecurity hygiene as an organization; and apply lessons learned from past victims. 

For more information on this free event, click here.