Penn State World Campus students pursuing professional studies degrees in information sciences, have developed a multi-pronged data analysis approach that can improve Internet of Things (IoT) devices to protect against cybersecurity threats, according to a Penn State news report

"The team applied a combination of approaches often used in traditional network security management to an IoT network simulated by the University of New South Wales Canberra, Australia. Specifically, the team showed how statistical data, machine learning and other data analysis methods could be applied to assure the security of IoT systems across their lifecycle. The researchers then used intrusion detection and a visualization tool, to determine whether or not an attack had already occurred or was in progress within that network," says the report. 

The researchers described their research methods and findings at the 2019 IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference. The researchers received the “Best Paper” award for their work, says the report. 

To read more about the results of the study, click here