For many security directors across the country, going to sleep with complete peace of mind is becoming harder to achieve. Criminals are developing innovative ways to steal, vandalize and damage businesses at night, forcing security directors to come up with innovative methods to defend and protect their properties. To fight back, directors must work with many departments, technologies, and law enforcement agencies to cover their business from the many forms of crime. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) & Security Solutions

Fortunately, new security technologies such as Remote Guarding are incorporating the “Internet of Things” to advance the field of crime prevention and video monitoring. IoT is the inter-networking of physical devices (also referred to as "connected devices" and "smart devices") —with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity; a connection that enables these devices to collect and exchange data.

Security technologies such as remote guarding are embedded with IoT capabilities, and are quickly becoming one of the top technologies security directors can use to prevent crime, monitor areas of risk and protect critical assets. Through this approach, a security director can deliver custom solutions that increase security effectiveness dramatically, via real-time intervention and prevention.  

What Is Remote Guarding Exactly?

Remote guarding (RG) is essentially security intelligence that proactively works to prevent crime and improve security. RG solutions turn passive surveillance cameras into active “Digital Guards,” capable of alerting human security officers of any intrusions. Security officers located remotely in a centralized command center can use voice down technology to view and communicate with any intruders, helping prevent crime before it starts.

This modern technology greatly reduces false alarms and criminal activity over time, while simultaneously improving relationships with local law enforcement. Daily security reports and video footage are also provided to security directors, serving as excellent tools to investigate incidents and clear up conflicts.

Lowering Liability, Risk & Management Conflicts

Remote guarding helps security directors reduce liabilities and concerns related to security guards on the property. By installing “digital guard” cameras, RG lowers a company’s dependence on security officers, and the chances of them getting injured or killed on the job. Instead, highly trained remote security agents deal with criminals in a safe and secure way, reducing the chance of lawsuits or damages to the company.

Additionally, remote guarding can provide invaluable peace of mind to on-site employees. The mere presence of a panic button and the knowledge that someone else is always watching over them can help late night or remotely located employees feel secure and more likely to remain in their jobs.

Economical Solutions & Consistently High Performing Security

The cost savings and flexibility of remote guarding make it an attractive option for businesses to add to their security programs. Increases in technological capabilities and the ability to integrate with existing systems have led to the creation of affordable, powerful cameras that augment onsite protection.

Remote Guarding security technology consistently outperforms the typical late night security officer. Cameras can detect intruders anywhere on the property and relay the alert instantly to remote security agents. They can also recognize any false alarms and manage them without having to bother the security director or law enforcement, saving tons of resources for both.

A good remote guarding provider also sends daily reports to the company’s security director, outlining any incidents that may have occurred during the night. This detailed report helps deliver peace of mind, as the director knows that any incident will be highly scrutinized during the night and handled properly.

Hiring an External Remote Guarding Firm

When choosing between remote guarding companies to provide security for your business, it is important to have the business owner, security director and property manager involved in the process. Be sure to sit down with the provider to go over liability issues and review exactly how your company will be working with the remote guarding provider moving forward. It is important to mention any vulnerable areas on your property and talk through any past incidents of theft, vandalism or trespassing.

Remote guarding adds a much-needed offering to the security category by increasing security coverage and helping prevent crime before it starts. Look for its continued growth and the expansion of its capabilities as more innovations reveal themselves.