Painesville City Local School District
The Painesville School District needed to integrate a secure ID system that could meet the culturally diverse, lower-income needs of its 2,800 students and 400 faculty members.
Students want to fit in; however, differentiation became apparent in the cafeteria lines. Most students paid with cash, or had their parents prepay their lunches, but those who qualified for a free lunch had to share that information with the cashier, in front of their friends. Many chose a less embarrassing route and didn’t eat.
While the lunch situation had to be addressed, it wasn’t the primary factor for enhancing the ID card program. The school system previously relied on an outside resource to produce its cards, but delays for new teacher credentials and replacement student IDs were unacceptable. For students who did not get their picture taken, there was no way to produce a photo ID.
HID Global’s FARGO® DTC Printer/Encoder accommodated in-house printing of simple ID cards for students and proximity cards for faculty. Bar code capabilities tied to the cafeteria system fostered use as funding sources became invisible. In addition to producing cards within minutes, it helped increase the benefits enjoyed by the schools.
Maine Schools
Maine School Administrative District (MSAD) serving 1,000 students throughout five schools also helps students’ eligible for free lunches to fit in using uniformly bar coded ID cards. Previously, color-coded punch cards were used as a way to identify a student’s economic status and were often seen by other students.
MSAD began using ID cards printed on HID Global’s FARGO DTC Printer/Encoder for their lunch program and faculty ID cards. The capability of dual-sided printing and bar code on the back works with the school’s timecard system and door access program. MSAD expanded the ID cards to include a stored value for the lunch program, the ability to check-out library materials and as a medical emergency card.
Schools nationwide are instituting a policy where visible ID is required of students, faculty and staff at all times. MSAD schools have put updated student ID programs in place, and are starting to expand the use of the card and its applications.