Less than 6 percent of respondents polled during a recent Deloitte webcast about cyber crime prevention were “highly confident” that private enterprises have sufficient controls in place to minimize the occurrence of cyber crime. In fact, almost 40 percent of respondents are “not confident” in controls implemented by private enterprises.
Results from the webcast showed a fairly even split among respondents regarding whether or not their organization was likely to experience an electronic security breach in the next 12 months. According to the results, 41.7 percent believed it was “likely” or “extremely likely” that an electronic security breach would occur in this time frame, while 38.4 percent indicated it was “unlikely” or “extremely unlikely.” When asked what their experience was with respect to cyber crime, the majority of participants (68.4 percent) responded that they have received phishing e-mail messages and 12.1 percent of respondents reported their organizations have been targeted by cyber criminals.
Participants believed that the type of information senior management in their organizations was most concerned with cyber criminals gaining access to, as it pertains to being vulnerable to attempted breaches of electronic information security, was customer personal information (38.1 percent), financial information (21.8 percent), followed by intellectual property or business plans (12.2 percent).