IT Security Spending to Increase this Year
According to a pair of new reports by Forrester Research, Inc., approximately 40 percent of businesses will significantly increase their spending on new IT security technologies in 2010. Forty-two percent of enterprises expect to increase IT security spending on new technologies by 5 percent or more this year, and 37 percent of small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) expect to do the same.
Forrester's survey of nearly 2,200 enterprise and SMB business executives and technology decision-makers in North America and Europe is part of Forrester's Business Data Services (BDS) series, which helps Vendor Strategy professionals profile their target market's budget allocation and technology adoption.
While data security is perennially the largest budget item for IT organizations, the reports say that the greatest spending increases are in the area of network security, where 40 percent of enterprises and 36 percent of SMBs expect to spend more in 2010.