Roy Bordes, president/CEO of The Bordes Group, which provides consulting services for clients requiring advanced technology integrated system designs, passed away earlier this year. He was on the Security Advisory Board, a frequent author and long-time contributor to the industry. Our sympathy goes out to his family and company. As Security Magazine columnist Steve Hunt wrote on his SecurityDreamer Web service:

“The security industry lost a giant with the passing of Roy Bordes. His work as a narcotics agent followed by 30 years in the security industry, is enough reason to highly regard Roy’s work. But his real mark was left by the clarity he brought to all of us. His efforts to analyze, organize and demystify new security technologies each year at the ASIS show showed us how to think about innovation. He looked at innovation with a critical eye – never letting us lose sight of the problems we were here to solve. For Roy Bordes, security was not just a job, it was an important service making the world a better place. We’ll miss you Roy.”

Donations can go to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in memory of Roy Bordes. Please send checks to MD Anderson, 1400 S. Orange Avenue, MP700, Orlando, FL 32806, attention Mike Mangan.