Tens of thousands of cops, firefighters, military and government employees are now carrying the Pocket Partner, a 1,056-page reference that contains protocols for dealing with terrorist threats, biological, chemical and radiological weapons, Anthrax incidents, mail bombs, medical emergencies, suicide bombers, natural disasters, hazardous materials and hundreds of other critical situations. However, with a renewed wave of terrorism and recent disasters, the book is finding a large group of new devotees in civilian businesses.

“During any type of major incident, emergency services becomes stretched beyond their capabilities and response may take hours or days,” said the book’s creator and former police Chief Dennis Evers. “Businesses are finally realizing that survival could depend on their access to critical life saving information allowing them to respond or react to any type of emergency scenario.”

The book’s fourth edition also features an illustrated first aid chapter; thousands of phone numbers including insurance fraud, stolen credit card, poison control and other hard-to-find numbers; over 2,000 street drug names with their effect and ID; and other useful bits of information for daily use.
