During my early days, the ASIS event was a place to meet old friends and gain new ones. While that still happens today, the agenda – like life overall – has sped up. Topics and exhibits feature new technologies, legislation, certification, homeland security and even a dog or two – that’s a “woof-woof” kind of dog.
Here’s a cheat sheet on some hot buttons I’ll be pushing in Orlando.
Federal legislation has recently been introduced by Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-Ohio) that’s titled the “Secure America’s Homes and Businesses Act” (HR 3632) and provides up to $50,000 for commercial tax deductions annually for the purchase and the professional installation of electronic premise security devices. Devices covered: electronic fire/life safety, intrusion detection alarms or burglar alarms, video surveillance cameras and equipment, access controls including biometrics and automated fingerprint identification systems and any components, wiring, system displays, terminals or other equipment to install these devices.
Homeland security and R&D advances also will have a spotlight at the ASIS event. While much product is being developed for government and military use, it is surprising how quickly some of it seeps into the commercial and corporate environment. A unique case in point is DNA biometrics. For example, Los Angles-based Applied DNA Sciences has plant-based DNA security technology to detect and deter fakes, counterfeiting, fraud, piracy and product diversion. Just weeks ago it entered into a development agreement with the Brown Art Gallery of Ojai, Calif., to create security technology specifically for fine art and collectibles.
At early ASIS events, dogs were mostly “junk-yard,” used to patrol fenced areas after hours. That was my impression on a tour of duty in Viet Nam with the 18th Military Police Brigade.
Today, a dog’s nose is much more important than its teeth.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is now training detector dogs to alert both at the presence of illegal drugs and humans that might be concealed inside vehicles or shipping containers. At the agency’s Canine Enforcement Training Center in Front Royal, Va., new CBP canine teams are preparing for their role in protecting the American people from possible terrorists attempting to illegally enter the U.S.
If you cannot make it to ASIS Orlando, go on the Web and Security magazine’s LINX service, powered by Google.