Potawatomi Hotel & Casino, a 500-room luxury hotel located in Milwaukee, has implemented a touchless security screening for guests that includes temperature screening and weapons detection screening without needing guests to walk through individually as is the case with traditional screening methods.
The Plaza Hotel & Casino in Downtown Las Vegas, Nev. will be using a multi-sensor threat detection platform, offering increased security and safety for resort guests, staff and partners.
The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) of Wisconsin has selected an AI-based platform focused solely on weapons detection to help improve security on its campuses. The solution will identify visible guns if present and send alerts to school administrators and security personnel within three to five seconds, helping to stop violent threats before they occur.
The Department of Homeland Security's Small Business Innovation Research Program gave funding to a small business to advance explosive detection equipment for airports by using machine learning.
Less than one-third of the Chicago area's 2,124 elementary, middle, and high schools do not report any incidents to a School Incident Reporting System.