Security engineering teams are stretched thin, with their attention divided across cloud, automation, AI, containers, scalable environments, and dozens of other “urgent” priorities.
As organizations face internal and external pressures, burnout among security professionals has hit worrying levels — leaving many heading for the door.
Following a global consultation, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is launching new ethics guidelines for incident response and security teams on Global Ethics Day. ethicsfIRST provides guidance for cybersecurity professionals on how to conduct themselves professionally and ethically during incidents. Inspired by Earth Day, Global Ethics Day provides an opportunity for organizations to explore the meaning of ethics in international affairs.
The week of September 20, 2015, AlliedBarton Security Services is establishing the first annual National Security Officer Appreciation Week. Subsequent years will feature this event during the third full week of September.
Too often, supervisors, managers and directors focus so much on what their team should be doing for them and the company that they forget about what they should be doing for their employees.