An analysis by Skycure of the patch updates among the five leading wireless carriers in the United States found that 71 percent of mobile devices still run on security patches more than two months old.
According to new research from the Center for Cyber Safety and Education (the Center) and the Executive Women's Forum on Information Security, Risk Management & Privacy (EWF), women comprise only 11 percent of the information security workforce a number that has remained steady since 2013.
There is a widespread and growing need to improve security practices surrounding confidential documents in most organizations today, according to a new study by the Business Performance Innovation (BPI) Network.
Consumers across the globe are more concerned with protecting their financial and payments information stored on a computer than they are with protecting this data when stored on a mobile wallet, according to data.
Wage inequality compared to male colleagues, workplace gender bias and a shortage of female role models are among the main barriers faced by women working in the technology field, according to a survey by technology association ISACA.