The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced a new internal policy to guide the timely federal notification of state and local officials of cyber intrusions affecting election infrastructure.
A report has found that more than one in four respondents attribute attacks against their organization to cyberwarfare or nation-state activity. In 2018, 19% of organizations believed they were attacked by a nation-state.
The London Stock Exchange denies that a cyber attack was responsible for a trading outage in August. U.K. security agencies are reportedly investigating the cause of the incident.
Mobile computing, cloud applications and tele-work have all combined to erode the traditional corporate security perimeter — and, in doing so, have largely transferred the attack surface to end-user devices.
Several state agencies, boards, commissions and universities are allegedly failing to adhere to state cybersecurity laws, leaving Mississippians’ personal data vulnerable to hackers.
An estimated two million cyber attacks in 2018 resulted in more than $45 billion in losses worldwide as local governments struggled to cope with ransomware and other malicious incidents.