Security professionals can look forward to a future with new jobs coming onto the market and fewer expected budget cuts, said a survey by ISC(2). However, hiring managers are struggling to fill positions because candidate salary expectations and skill levels do not meet current demand. The areas of expertise most sought after by those seeking candidates were (in order of highest demand): operations security, information risk management, access control systems and methodology, applications and systems development security, and security management practices.
Despite economic conditions, more than 80 percent of hiring managers said they are challenged in their efforts to find the right candidate. They are inhibited by a lack of desired skills, a lack of available professionals within a local area, and salary demands that were too high for available budgets, particularly from people who had previously worked within the financial services sector.
In addition, outsourcing is having an impact on hiring, as more than 30 percent of respondents reported increased outsourcing of security functions.
Companies are making their adjustments at a time when they are experiencing more attacks. Organizations have experienced an increased impact during the economic downturn in internal hacking against security systems (18.4 percent); external attacks against security systems (33.3 percent); theft of intellectual property (27.8 percent); and fraud and embezzlement (28.3 percent).