The pact would promote information-sharing, and it would set up a cyber hotline and working group between the two countries to foster cyber security cooperation.
U.S. Border Agents Can Search Travelers' Electronics for Signs of Terrorist or Other Illegal Activity, and Can Copy and Keep Files.
June 6, 2013
U.S. border agents are allowed to search a traveler’s laptop, cellphone or other electronic device and keep copies of any data on them based on no more than a hunch, according to an internal study from the Homeland Security Department.
Recent incidents of ricin being mailed to the White House and members of Congress are a chilling reminder that the mail system continues to be used by those wishing to do harm.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) cannot be challenged by Americans without proof that the law would directly affect them, the Supreme Court rules.
Cyber attacks originating in China have been discovered to spy on economic efforts at U.S. businesses, especially those in finance, technology and aerospace.
The Chinese telecom company is facing fears of both equipment vulnerabilities and national security threats as it seeks to expand its business to Australia, the UK, India and the U.S.
A former security officer at a U.S. consulate in China pleaded guilty to attempting to pass secrets about the building's security systems to a Chinese spy agency.
Background checks on U.S. citizens attending flight school are delayed until the student applies for a pilot's license, causing worries about homegrown terrorists.
U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she would consider having tech companies partner with the government to combat foreign-based attackers.