Late night comedy show Startup Late Night was created to bring the world of technology to the late night comedy scene. Up until the pandemic, the group held live shows in New York City. Now, all of the group’s content is produced and shared online.

To coincide with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Startup Late Night has released its first comedy show in a series on the topic. Cybersecurity 101 is live on YouTube right now. The Startup Late Night comedy squad was started by Mary Lemmer, an improv comedian, recovering venture capitalist, entrepreneur and executive, and gives the audience a way to learn about technological topics while having a good laugh.

The Cybersecurity 101 episode was written by comedy writers and comedians in NYC in conjunction with Startup Late Night’s research partner and cybersecurity solutions company Orbzen, and gives businesses and organizations a high look into cybersecurity and the threats it poses.

A new episode will be released each week throughout October and early November and upcoming topics will include Ransomware, Juice Jacking, Credential Stuffing and Phishing. Ways to stay secure are our next segments that will be posted.