Wouldn’t it be great to have a crystal ball alerting you to management issues you should be thinking about before 2007 arrives?
Well, we have brought 25 crystal balls together in this month’s issue. In recent months we have polled a select nominating committee, readers and our advisory board to identify the 25 Most Influential People in the U.S. Security Industry. In this special issue, we profile our industry’s thought leaders and we have asked each to share their outlook on 2007.
The 25 leaders profiled are those considered the most influential thinkers on security strategy, execution, products and technologies. Every security executive in our industry faced change in 2006. And those changes created significant opportunities and challenges for you. Certainly, there will be larger and more complex demands in 2007 as CEOs, peer colleagues, technology companies, new threats and events enter your world.
We hope the insights, experiences and thought leadership of The 25 Most Influential assist you in refining strategy in your organization. Please let us know.

Focus 2007: Access Control
While the business management of security has become the focus of the job, it seems each year comes with a hot technology as a sub-theme. While IP video consumed the market this year, all signs point to access control technologies as the next wave. One key indicator, the Security Industry Association’s market study of forecasted spending and shipments identifies (pun intended) access controls as the fastest growing (See Chart).
In this issue, Bill Zalud works to help you sort out the myriad possibilities with several compelling articles:
The theme -- Where Access Cards Go to Die – has articles that focus on how enterprises are moving to smart cards and biometrics from traditional swipe cards. For example, Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Sapna Capoor shares insights inA Convenient Security Solution – Biometrics In the Business World. Another article updates business privacy concerns relative to electronic access controls.
A Look Back, A Look Ahead
During 2006, we faced significant change at Security Magazine. Just as your role and information needs have shifted during the prior years, we learned that most of the magazines being sent to security management leaders were going unread- ours included. The research, input and direction we received were direct, honest and enlightening. For those of you that participated in our roundtables, focus groups and surveys; as well as those that continue to give us your feedback and input--Thanks!And while we at first thought re-inventing Security as the Business Magazine for Security Executives held risks, it turns out that we had nothing to fear. Since July’s first issue, our security executive and management circulation has increased dramatically and with it, our advertising pages have nearly doubled over the prior year.
So as we turn the corner from 2006 to 2007, I want to thank our advisory board for their dedicated input. Recognize Bill Zalud and the editorial, art and production teams who have taken an idea and developed it beyond the original concept and continue to make it better each issue.
And especially thank you, the readers, for whom we research and write each month. Your response and activity with us makes the long hours and hard work rewarding and fulfilling. And we promise to keep working hard for you in 2007.
We wish you a very safe holiday season and at the same time thank you for making the world safer for the rest of us. But before we cross the date line, be sure to spend some reading time with us. Your feedback and comments help make us better, please keep them coming.
Enjoy your holiday season.