There has been less crime in New York city in the previous 12 years -- unless you're the owner of an iOS Device like the iPhone or iPad.

Grand Larcenies involving thieves stealing cell phones and electronics have remained relatively stable, especially for Apple products. In the year 2013 alone, 8,465 thefts involved an Apple product, making up for nearly a fifth of all grand larcenies in the city.

A spokeswoman for the current NYPD administration, under Commissioner William Bratton, attributed the trend to the theft of electronic devices—and noted that grand larceny arrests have increased 13% comparing 2012 to 2013. 

Many of the thefts happen on public transportation, where most people are buried in their devices and aren't paying attention to their surroundings. 

Nationwide, grand larcenies are decreasing, said the Wall Street Journal. There was a nearly 13% drop in the crime comparing 2002 and 2012 figures compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

A spokeswoman for Apple said that the company has "led the industry in helping customers protect their lost or stolen devices" since it launched its "Find My iPhone" app in 2009, which allows users to track a stolen phone and erase personal data remotely.