Day 3 of the National Sports Secuirty and Safety Conference (NCS4) included an unveiling of powerful SportsEvac simulation and planning tools. The SportsEvac enables the creation of a specific venue for simulating events. The system is easy to use, and provides venue and event management a tool for planning, training and testing plans.

"At the New Meadowlands Stadium we can view a full evacuation of our actual stadium and population. There is no other way to actually view that and understand how an evacuation, for example, would play out," said Daniel DeLorenzi, Security Director at The New Meadowlands Stadium. "SportsEvac eliminates untested plans being tested during actual events which may increase risk and lead to unforeseen negative outcomes. This changes estimating to real world metrics," noted DeLorenzi.

Dr. Lou Marciani, Director of NCS4, added, "SportsEvac creates planing, discussion, gap analysis and the opportunity for improvement."