ContentProvidedBy-BrivoThe COVID pandemic transformed the workplace. With a more volatile job market, hybrid work on the rise, workers focusing on mental health, and many staff reluctant to commute to the office, management’s behavior, policies, and procedures are under heavy scrutiny. Mobile access control solutions provide benefits for both staff and the organization, including:

  • Mobile access allows staff to register where and when they want; no need to come to the office
  • Mobile access gives staff privacy by only using biometrics they are comfortable using on their own phones
  • Mobile access gives staff convenience – changes in credentials are remote and seamless
  • No need to replace lost cards bringing down costs
  • Staff are much less likely to lose or lend their phone, which increases security
  • Multifactor authentication using biometrics adds security

Keycards and plastic fobs have dominated the commercial and residential access control market for decades, but that era is winding down. Cards get stolen, are frequently lost and forgotten, and are expensive to issue and replace. Staff and residents often lend their badges to colleagues, which introduces vulnerabilities to the facility or organization and taints the audit trail. Badges can also be spoofed and duplicated by criminals and adversaries. Biometrics have emerged for use in limited high-security access applications, but concerns about cost, privacy, convenience, and accuracy have curtailed growth in that market. Today’s most quickly growing access control solution leverages what almost everyone today keeps with them at all times: their smartphones. Read this report to learn how mobile access control solutions provide benefits for both staff and the organization.