While the so-called swine flu has been experienced by about 1 in 6 Americans as of mid-November, according to the Centers for Disease Control, news stories have concentrated on vaccine shortages early in the fall with a distinct lack of reported incidents negatively affecting businesses. The Y2K of 2009, the threat brought out the consultants who warned about closed businesses and the need for telecommuting plans for millions of sick workers caught at home. About 50 million Americans had contracted pandemic H1N1 influenza through November 14, or about 15 percent of the entire country has been infected. While it did make sense for hospitals and healthcare facilities to institute and practice exercises to handle large numbers of flu patients, the threat there did not pan out either. CDC reports show that the 200,000 hospitalizations since the beginning of the pandemic seven months ago is about the same as in a usual flu season. Of course, H1N1 did help along the anti-government, conspiracy theorists, some of them well-known talking heads on cable, who continue to advise against getting a swine flu shot.

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