The man who appeared in a YouTube video last April putting cheese up his nose, then on a pizza and passing gas on a sandwich apologized to Domino’s Pizza and his former boss in North Carolina Superior Court. The 33-year-old man made the video along with fellow former Domino’s female employee while the two were employed at the Conover, North Carolina, Domino’s location. Both were arrested and charged with felony adulterating food. The man pleaded guilty to the charge while admitting no wrongdoing in what is known as an Alford plea. He admits that the evidence against him is strong enough to produce a guilty plea but denies that the food he ruined was ever sold or served to customers. He was given a six-month suspended sentence, 24 months of supervised supervision and ordered to have no contact with his former colleague or Domino’s. The Conover Domino’s location went out of business in the wake of the negative publicity following the discovery of the video that became an Internet sensation. The restaurant closed its doors in September.

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