ASIS International's Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations – Requirements with Guidance standard received ANSI approval today.
This month, Eduard Emde, CPP takes the reins as president of ASIS International President. He’s the first non-U.S. president of the organization and a consultant for BMKISS Europe, in Wassenaar, The Netherlands. “I am convinced that 2012 will continue to be dominated by all facets of cyber-related security risks,” Emde tells Security magazine.
We're here in beautiful Orlando, Florida, guests of ASIS at the ASIS International 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits. Former Acting-Executive Director, Peter Ford, and OSAC analysts--Aiste Ray, Jennifer Hardwick--and I accepted a gracious invitation to attend this year's event and the opportunity to host an informational booth to educate the participants on OSAC and its services.
Brian J. Allen doesn’t like the unknown, especially when it comes to managing risk at Time Warner Cable, where he is chief of security. Allen, who is also on the Board of Directors of ASIS International and a member of the CSO Roundtable, shares his thoughts on leadership and why the unknown keeps him up at night, yet challenges him as well.
Security practitioners from across the industry will find some exciting new offerings at the ASIS International 57th Annual Seminar and Exhibits (ASIS 2011) in Orlando, Florida, Sept. 19-22. A new partnership with (ISC)2 (“ISC-squared”) broadens the educational program and opens valuable new networking opportunities. In total, this year’s Seminar will offer attendees more than 180 educational sessions across 22 tracks.
ASIS International presented the Award for Senior Regional Vice President (SRVP) of the Year to security consultant William G. Bradshaw, CPP, and the Award for Regional Vice President (RVP) of the Year to Robert E. Johnson, Executive Director of Operations, RIBI Security.
The ASIS International (ASIS) Law Enforcement Liaison Council (LELC) has established the Matthew Simeone ASIS Award for Public-Private Partnership Excellence.
ASIS International and IE Business School in Madrid announced the Effective Management for Security Professionals program, a five-day executive education program for mid-to-upper level security managers.